Prof. dr. Radu E. Sestras – PhD Coordinator
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca
- Faculty of Horticulture
- Horticulture domain
- Philosophy Degree (PhD) in Genetics and Plant Breeding
PhD theses coordinated:
PhD titles
- 2007-2010: ‘Genetic Algorithms and their Application’ (in Romanian)
- 2007-2010: ‘Statistical Models for Analysis of Genetic Variability’ (in Romanian)
- 2007-2010: ‘The Study of the Genetic Variability at Cactaceae and Possibilities to Obtain New Genotypes’ (in Romanian) – Abstract
- 2008-2011: ‘Cercetări privind îmbogăţirea fondului genetic la Calendula‘ (Abstract)
- 2008-2011: ‘Tomato transgenic plants with malaria antigens’ (Abstract)
- Co-tutela, coordinators:
- Prof. Dr. Radu SESTRAȘ
- Prof. Dr. Kamal CHOWDHURY
- 2009-2011: ‘Spatial genetic analysis on Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) natural populations’ (Abstract)
- Co-tutela, coordinators:
- Prof. Dr. Radu SESTRAȘ
- Prof. Dr. María Rosario GARCÍA-GIL
- 2009-2011: ‘The study of genetic variability for different larch provenances (Larix decidua Mill.) from Baciu Orchard, Cluj’ (Abstract)
- 2009-2012: ‘Application of recurrent and MAS selection in interspecific apple hybrid populations for creating ornamental varieties and identification of resistant genotypes to the major diseases attack’
- 2008-2012: ‘In vitro micropropagation of common walnut (Juglans regia L.) and its importance on breeding and crop production’ (Abstract)
- Co-tutela, coordinators:
- Prof. Dr. Radu SESTRAȘ
- Prof. Dr. Kourosh VAHDATI
- 2015: ‘Diversitatea genetică şi biomarkeri ai stresului hidric şi salin în populaţii de molid (Picea abies[l.] Karst.)’ (Abstract)
- Co-tutela, coordinators:
- Prof. Dr. Radu SESTRAȘ
- Prof. Dr. Jaime PROHENS
- 2015: ‘Studiul variabilității genetice și a posibilităților de obținere de noi genotipuri la Tagetes‘ (Abstract)
- Co-tutela, coordinators:
- Prof. Dr. Radu SESTRAȘ
- Prof. dr. Monica BOSCAIU
- 2015: ‘Pretabilitatea unor specii de Clematis la cultura containerizată și utilizarea acestora în grădinăritul peisager’ (Abstract)
- 2016: ‘Variabilitatea comportării unor genotipuri de prun față de atacul principalelor boli’ (Abstract)
- 2018: ‘Răspunsul unor genotipuri de Portulaca la stresul hidric și salin’ (Abstract)
- Co-tutela, coordinators:
- Prof. Dr. Radu SESTRAȘ
- Prof. dr. Oscar VICENTE
- 2019: ‘Comportarea la acțiunea factorilor de stres abiotici a unor proveniențe de Larix decidua‘ (Abstract)
- Co-tutela, coordinators:
- Prof. Dr. Radu SESTRAȘ
- Prof. dr. Monica BOSCAIU
- 2020: ‘Genetic characterization of several provenances of Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) from Romania and their response to abiotic stress factors’ (Abstract)
- Co-tutela, coordinators:
- Prof. Dr. Radu SESTRAȘ
- Prof. dr. Monica BOSCAIU