Curriculum Vitae
Prof. dr. h.c. Radu E. SESTRAȘ
- Name and surname: Radu E. SESTRAȘ
- Sex: male | Date of birth: 1961.06.03 | Nationality: Romanian
- Address (current work):
- 3-5 Calea Mănăștur, 400372 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
- E-mail:
- Personal web-page:
- 1994-in present: Professor, PhD (with completing all teaching degrees, from assistant to professor). Main activities and responsibilities: teaching bachelors and masters students, PhD coordinator; administrative activities (dean, vice dean, director of the department).
- 1990-1994: Research Assistant (1990-1992) and Scientific Researcher (1992-1994), Fruit Research Station Cluj (FRS Cluj); Activities: research (especially plant breeding and biodiversity).
- 1990-1997: PhD in Agronomy, 1997, UASVM Cluj-Napoca, Genetics and Plant Breeding, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca.
- 1981-1985: Bachelor programme in Agriculture/Agronomy. Engineer Diploma in the Agriculture, 1985, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj-Napoca.
- Scientific works and papers published: over 250 scientific papers, especially in horticulture and plant breeding; 15 printed and 3 electronic books (books, courses, guidance, treatment); 60 scientific papers prepared as research reports and handed over to beneficiaries (ICPP Pitesti-Mărăcineni, MCT, MI, MEN, BCUM, CNCSU, CNCSIS, CNMP).
- Patents: 21. Principal author or co-author of new varieties, 12 of pear and 9 of apple, created at FRS Cluj-Napoca and approved by ISTIS, with official certificates of homologation.
- Research grants and coordinator centres/research laboratories: Director, coordinator or member of over 40 research grants, obtained in national and international competitions. Coordinator of research centres/laboratories: Transylvanian Horticultural Research Centre. Horticultural and Forestry Plant Breeding and Genetics – GAPHS Research Laboratory. Research Center for Plant Breeding (RCPB) – ERRIS.
- PhD coordinator in the field of Horticulture: 15 PhD student graduated with the title of ‘Doctor in Horticulture’.
- Membership of Professional Associations: The Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, associate member, 2010; Romanian Friends of Roses Association 1990 (founder member); Romanian Horticulture Society, 1995 (member); Horticulture and Forestry Society from Transylvania (SHST), Honorific President, 2009; Eucarpia – European Association for Research on Plant Breeding, 2003 (member); ISHS – International Society for Horticultural Science, 2005 (member) etc.
- Awards, diplomas, distinctions: Honorary Diploma, 2000, awarded by Romanian Horticulture Society. Over 30 medals and diplomas obtained in the National Competition of fruit with new creations of apple and pear, obtained at FRS Cluj. Merit Diploma, granted by Cluj County Council for support and promotion of written culture in Cluj as AcademicPres Publisher, the event ‘Publishing and publications, Cluj’, 2001. Diploma ‘Socio Onorario’ (Honorary Member – elected), La Società di Medicina e Scienze Naturali dell’ Universita di Parma, Italia, 2005. Medal ‘G. Rudi’, awarded by the Senate State Agrarian University of Moldova for honours in science teaching activity in fruit growing, Chisinau, 2007; Doctor Honoris Causa of Transilvania University, Brașov, 2015.
- Expertise, Assessor: Expert evaluator in the National Council of Scientific Research in Higher Education (RNE), expert CEEX, ARACIS, CNATDCU.
- Publisher, editor: Editorial Advisor (General Editor, Chief Editor) and member of the reviewers’ committee at AcademicPres Publishing House, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (2000-2012). Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca (Bulletin UASVM). Series Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Science and Biotechnologies, Veterinary Medicine (Editor, 2000-2012); editor for 772 proceedings papers indexed in ISI WoS database.
- Reviewer: ‘Agronomy for Sustainable Development’, ‘Annals of Applied Biology’, ‘Biologia’, ‘Dendrobiology’, ‘Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture’, ‘Frontiers in Plant Science’, ‘Genetika’, ‘Heredity’, ‘HortScience’, ‘Industrial Crops and Products’, ‘Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering’, ‘Journal of Agricultural Science’, ‘Journal of Computational Science’, ‘Journal of Food Composition and Analysis’, ‘Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants’, ‘Planta’, ‘Scientia Horticulturae’ etc.
- Editor-in-Chief, editorial board member: Notulae Scientia Biologicae (Founder, Editor-in-Chief,; Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (board reviewers,; Frontiers in Plant Science (ISI WoS, Review Editor,; Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry (Q2 ISI WoS, member editorial board,; Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture (ISI WoS, Associate Editor – Horticulture;; Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca (ISI WoS Plant Sciences, Editor-in-Chief,
Scientific IDs
- ResearcherID [hindex(ISIWoS)]: C-1563-2012
- Scopus Author ID [hindex]: 6504161494
- Google Scholar/Academic: Radu E. SESTRAS
- ResearchGate [RGScore]:
- Publons:
- Mentions in literary and biographical works
- Fornade, Dan (2007). Personalitati Clujene (1800-2007), dictionar ilustrat / Personalities of Cluj (1800-2007), illustrated dictionary. Ed. Casa Cartii de Stiinta.
- Dictionar 2007 cv Sestras En
- Dictionar 2007 cv Sestras Ro
- Marquis Who is Who 2009
- Prabook
- Thanks to Prof. Florica Pop and the staff from the County Library I.S. Bădescu Sălaj, for the honour of included in the book ‘Sălaj – Guide of the localities’ and ‘Sălaj – people and works. Biobibliographic dictionary’. Mulțumiri Doamnei Prof. Florica Pop și colectivului de la Biblioteca Judeţeană I.S. Bădescu Sălaj, pentru onoranta includere în operele ‘Sălaj – Ghidul localităților‘ și ‘Sălaj – oameni și opere. Dicționar biobibliografic‘.
- *** ‘Sălaj – Oameni şi Opere: dicţionar biobibliografic‘ : Biblioteca Judeţeană “I. S. Bădescu” Sălaj ; coord.: Florica Pop, Ed. Dacia XXI, Cluj-Napoca 2011, ISBN 978-606-604-235-2 (Ediția a II-a, 2017). Pag. 297: Radu E. Sestraş (n. 3 iun. 1961) – inginer, profesor universitar (Click info pagina Hida)